Monday, May 14, 2007

Destinations listed-Now What?

So, what do you do now that you have a list of places you would like to visit? And how in the world can one get there when there is no money, no time, and so many obligations are taking up what time is available.

Hold on. This is part of the journey, the preparation. With the list of destinations as a work list, the next steps are to find out as much as you can about the place you want to visit, your first trip. Look over the list and put a check mark next to any of the places that seem to "jump out" at you or to cause just a little shiver of anticipation. This is the ONE. This is where to start building the foundation that will turn the travel dream into reality!

Keep the other places on the list, in fact keep the list. The rest of the desitnations are for the next voyages. Once you go and return home, keep your suitcase handy because you will be packing it again!

Find a clean page in your notebook and in large letters, use a black marker here, put the name of the destination at the top, add quotation marks around it, you want this as visible as possible. Also dog ear, put a post-it-note or a paper clip on this page so you find it as soon as you open the notebook.

Now, get a map, an encyclopedia, a web page and find the destination, this is where you will be going. Start listing questions about the place, just keep writing as fast as you can without trying to find the answers. When you run out of questions or get writer's cramp, then go back and read what it is you want to know right now about where in the world you want to travel.

Lost for questions? Here are a few to get the curious mind started?
What other countries, cities are around the destination?
Are there mountains, deserts, rivers, oceans?
Is it north or south of the equater?
Do I know anyone from that area?
Why did this place appeal to me?
What do I want to see here?
What do I already know about this place?

Your turn, fill the whole page with questions, but DO NOT answer them now. The answers will start to come to you from places you never expected. What will begin to happen is from now on, you are going to find this destination appearing quite often. You will start to hear people talking about it, you will find it in the newspapers and magazines you read and you will hear it mentioned in conversations around you. It's as if the destination has become a magnet.

When this happens listen, watch, read-your questions will start having answers, they will find you. Write them down in your notebook. By focusing on your destination, you have taken the first steps on your journey.

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